Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Creature Removal in the time of Zombies and Hoofies (1 of 3)

With the resurgence of the presence of Zombies and the craziness (for lack of a better term) of Craterhoof Behemoth Strategies, almost every deck is hoping to cope with such with creature removal spells.

This week let's take a look at how various spells can help certain decks deal with the current metagame. Tackling this by color seems most convenient (given that I need to make a quick pick up from Major's den in a bit). So here it goes.

Pillar of Flame
Cheap, effective and I don't think it calls for any discussion - we all know what its for.

Searing Spear
Defends well against Hellrider, cancels Thragtusk recursion and clears the way of Healers and Augurs. When you need speed with removal, Searing Spear does the job. Unfortunately, this card does little against angels and elephants and spirits (which come two at a time). Which brings me to the next entry.

Mizzium Mortars
Flexible card, slow but able to deal with bigger threats mentioned above. Just don't ask it to deal with that superstar dragon - that's a job for something else.

After replacing Combust in the sideboards, this card still proves to lack the flexibility - used mainly to take out Restoration Angels.

Flames of the Firebrand
Awesome against decks running dorks and spirits. Also effective against RDW and Zombies (situational, sometimes it comes late). Also allows RDW to gain the card advantage it badly needs.

Brimstone Volley
Copies of this card have been dwindling in main decks since agro with read has decided to go heavier on creatures. Still, it remains as an effective finisher and instant speed burn spell.

Annihilating Fire
Instant removal straight to exile. If you don't want that Thragtusk being served again, you might as well bring in some copies of this card.

Bonfire of the Damned
Still an awesome card to draw at the right time. With three copies in Jon Bolding's sideboard in Charleston, people will be considering the value of this card in their 75.

Only effective against dorks - and NO, I'm not interested to flash this card back either. Not a good choice.  

UW agro seems to be currently off the map which makes this card quite narrow being - exclusively effective against dork and spirit tokens.

Red seems to have a good array of removal spells to choose from but most of these cards lack the versatility to deal with so many threats to think about. Red will still be the choice avenue to deal with agro but is is not likely to have an answer to a charging Thundermaw Hellkite or a late-game Angel of Serenity.

How will you be using RED in your removal strategies? Your insight is very welcome.

Please join me in part two of this article as we tackle the rest of the removal spells from other colors.

I'd like to thank everyone who cooperated with the attempted video coverage of the 11-23-12 FNM at the Alabang Town Center. Unfortunately, I haven't found anyone to do the video editing which I can not do myself (otherwise I would have). Volunteers are welcome.

The photos from the said event are already up on Facebook - link to album - feel free to tag yourselves.

Do share the page as much as you like. www.facebook.com/syntaxassassin


  1. Thanks for pointing out Rolling Tremblor. I did miss out on it as well as Blasphemous Act.

    Now, these sorceries are both good sweepers in their own respect.

    Rolling Tremblor is like a two-point Earthquake with flashback. Its an excellent way to deal with Geist of Saint Traft and should prove to be very effective against weenies on the ground. On the downside, it does not hit the very popular spirits.

    We all know about Blasphemous Act as a combo card with Stuffy Doll and it has seen deck time with several decks wanting to deal with hordes that have higher toughness. It takes down a Sigarda easily (along with the dorks that are responsible for hastening its schedule).

  2. Burning Oil....anti Thragtusk? ;p

  3. That's very insightful of you, Lvr. Thanks :D Up for Burning Oil! I'm just putting together photos for the follow-up post for this entry. Thanks for dropping by and commenting!
